The Why Behind The Category // Faith


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May 18
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Hi, I’m Jessa…


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May 17
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May 17
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The Editorial

The News is Out 📰


Jessa Jones' baby announcement with hands holding an ultrasound photo.
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Jessa Jones' baby announcement with hands holding an ultrasound photo.
Aug 9
issued //

Hi, I’m Jessa…


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May 17
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The News is Out 📰


Jessa Jones' baby announcement with hands holding an ultrasound photo.
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Jessa Jones' baby announcement with hands holding an ultrasound photo.

Aug 9

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I’ve been a little MIA over here lately and now you know why. We’re expecting a little one to join our family in January 2025. 🪩 As many of you may know, first trimester is not often a breeze; I was exhausted and experienced morning sickness all day, every day. I still feel it lingering […]

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The Why Behind The Category // Social


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May 18

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If I am being honest, with all the moving around I have done in my life, it has led to some very lonely seasons. Here is an overview of all the places I have lived in chronological order: born in southern California from there I have since lived in Idaho, New Mexico, Washington, Arizona, and […]

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The Why Behind The Category // Faith


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May 18

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Hi, my name is Jessa Jones and if you don’t already know me, my hope through these excerpts are that you would get to know the God in me through the little pieces of my life that I share with you. I have been following Jesus Christ for the last 12 years and as I […]

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Hi, I’m Jessa…


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May 17

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Hi, I’m Jessa, the girl behind the brand that is passionate about all things design and color theory. My design career began at The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles, CA, where I earned my degree in Visual Communications. While in college, God placed a vision on my heart to gather women […]

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May 17

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At first glance, we’re an event backdrop design company. Whether you’re planning a wedding, social, launch party, or conference – we’ve got a trendy backdrop to, quite literally, “set the stage!” We offer made-to-order, customizable backdrop designs that you can shop here as well and custom design services if you are looking for something more […]

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