The Why Behind The Category // Faith


Hi, my name is Jessa Jones and if you don’t already know me, my hope through these excerpts are that you would get to know the God in me through the little pieces of my life that I share with you. I have been following Jesus Christ for the last 12 years and as I look back on everything He has revealed to me about himself over that span of time, there is a part of me that desperately wishes I would’ve written it down, documented it, and most of all… shared it. Shared the truth of God and my own personal experiences with God, with the world; that the world may better know him.

Over the years, God has worked to tear down cultural lies in my life that I didn’t realize I was being influenced to believe. With the wealth of knowledge and opinions out there, I thought it might be helpful to NOT be another voice sharing my opinion but to share God’s truth over it all – love, marriage, sex, family, friendships, success, money, trends, consumerism, vanity, lifestyle and more. Overall, the desire with this category is to spread truth and inspire women to live in the freedom Christ offers us by highlighting faith-grounding bible wisdom.

Ten years from now, I refuse to still desperately wish that I would’ve written down, documented and shared all that God has yet to do. In my journals, I’ve titled these excerpts – God Is Alive because he indeed is alive and he alone deserves to be recognized for the extraordinary ways in which he works and reveals himself.

Let’s walk in freedom together, sign up for The Social Club here and get notified weekly about new articles pertaining to faith.

forever His,


with love,
Jessa Jones

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